Why Funnels Don’t Convert

Haley Lynn Gray
2 min readApr 2, 2023

When I planned this upcoming WEN Summit in September of last year, I was working on a bunch of funnels and websites for clients. I see a LOT of people who struggle with getting sales in the online space.

And I see a lot of people who fall into the “just 1 funnel away” trap and crap that is out there. A LOT People who have invested a LOT of time and money into courses, books that they are going to sell, and going to mint money while they sleep.

Only, it rarely works that way. I would guesstimate that only about 1–2% of these funnels that are built out that way actually convert the way that someone wants them to.

It can be for a lot of reasons.

  1. You might be marketing to the wrong people.
  2. You might have the wrong offering.
  3. You might be marketing at the wrong time.
  4. You might not be driving enough traffic into your funnels.
  5. You might not be driving traffic on the right platforms.

The list of reasons can go on and on.

If you build a multi-step funnel then try to debug it, the debugging gets exponentially harder. It is SOO much easier to debug 1 step at a time, to figure out where the process is failing.



Haley Lynn Gray

Does marketing make you want to pull your hair out? Haley is a Marketing strategist and social media expert who can help you find your magic marketing method.