Member-only story
What I Wish You Knew About Marketing
I frequently run across clients who think that I can just snap my fingers and amazing marketing “stuff” happens.
While that can appear to be the case on the surface, if you look closer, you’ll see that we’re much more like swans- serene on the surface, and paddling like crazy under the water to go anywhere.
When we build a website, even a simple one, there are a LOT of things to consider, and while it CAN be done quickly, usually it really isn’t. We are paying attention to layout, photo sizing, resizing photos, editing things that don’t fit, changing colors, updating fonts, and the list goes on. We have to hand-connect every single link, which means we need to know what the website is supposed to do before we even start, and almost build it backwards.
It literally takes dozens of hours, for even a relatively “simple” website. Things like mobile optimization have to be hand-done, as well as all SEO. It’s not something that we just snap our fingers on, and it happens.
And that’s when we are visibly in action. The reality is that a lot of what we do is sit there and stare at it before we even get started. Because we have to think about what exactly we are doing. What energy are we trying to convey? What emotions? What feelings? What is the best design?