Am I Right?

Haley Lynn Gray
3 min readMar 7, 2021

Watching human behavior is a pastime of mine. I like to watch how people react to particular scenarios, and situations.

One thing that has struck me lately is how important it is to us humans to be right. Always.

It is amazing to me how we can justify things in our minds that we are somehow right, forgetting that there are always 3 sides of the story- my side, your side, and what actually happened.

I’ve seen it pop up time and time again. At work, at home, out and about town.

I was driving my car earlier today, and was stopped at a stoplight. I honked at the car in front of me, after they didn’t move 10–15 seconds after the light turned. What was kind of funny was that my husband made a comment about it, and about how we discourage honking here in the south, but sometimes it’s necessary, because they’re not going to cause him to miss a light!

2 hours later, I was driving again, and was first in line at a light, at a major intersection. The light turned green, and I peered around to make sure everyone was stopped, because people have a tendency to not stop at that light. The guy behind me honks, just as I started to move. My husband then proceeds to make comments about how the guy was a jackalope, and obviously impatient.



Haley Lynn Gray

Does marketing make you want to pull your hair out? Haley is a Marketing strategist and social media expert who can help you find your magic marketing method.